
Timeline: 2022

Role: Lead Developer

Advised by: Matthew Bui, Race and Data Justice Lab

TL;DR: Developed a Yelp review scraper and published the code on Test PyPI. Developed as a part of Appetite for Data

Skills: Python, Pandas, SQL, Data Visualizations (Seaborn), Web Scraping (Beautiful Soup)

Check out the code: Github

Code Publication

Moy, C. (2022). Pyscrelp. Test PyPI.


As public access APIs become increasingly restrictive, we must turn to web scraping to effectively collect information from digital platforms. To understand the effect of Yelp's Black-owned attribute on Black-owned restaurants in Detroit and Los Angeles, I developed a Yelp review scraper, Pyscrelp. Pyscrelp is accessible on Test PyPI. Web scraping as an information collecting method has its limitations, however, as Yelp continues to rate limit and change webpage organization.

Using Pyscrelp, I collected over 300,000 Yelp reviews and published findings from these reviews at ASIS&T 2023 [Read More]. This dataset is available upon request.